• Junior Year Success Guide THRIVE 91茄子 Public Schools

Sign up for the ACT and/or SAT


    What if I can’t afford the fee? Don’t worry, there are waivers available to those with financial need. See your counselor for further information about your situation and what you qualify for.

    Please Note: Do you qualify for ? If so, you may be able to  or .

    Do I need to take both tests? The answer to that is mostly dependent upon the university you plan to attend, .  It never hurts you to take both.  Not sure which exam is right for you? Here's a checklist to compare your strengths and help you decide


    You should not just roll out of bed on the Saturday morning of the exam and "give it your best shot".

    These tests require preparation.

    For online resources, , and there are similar free platform to help you prepare for the ACT. Outside companies also offer test prep courses for a fee that will cover the content of the exams plus test-taking strategies. You can find information for these offerings in your counseling office and career center.  

Summer Goals!

  • Don’t waste your summer, make it count!

    Consider volunteering and attending a summer program.  There are tons of options for summer programs, many of which are inexpensive or even FREE. Check with your Counselor and Career Center for listings based on your areas of interest. 

     Read, and then read some more!

    Pick up a library card from your local library.  Public Libraries have programming all summer long as well as plenty of books to read or listen to. Continue to develop your vocabulary, reading speed and comprehension.  These are all crucial skills to help you be more successful.

    Don’t like reading?  You probably haven’t found the right book.  Talk to a librarian about your interests and see if they can recommend something for you.

     Don't forget to make your SMART goals.

    Spend some time thinking about your dreams, interests, and aspirations. Then write them down and share with someone.  Writing and sharing your goals makes you more likely to actually achieve them. Here is a worksheet to help you see if your goals are SMART.

SMART Goals Worksheet & Information

  • SMART Goal Worksheet (doc)

    A Brief Guide to SMART Goal Setting!

    A SMART goal is a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time based. In other words, a goal that is very clear and easily understood.

    The goal must clearly state what is to be achieved, by whom, where and when it is to be achieved. Sometimes it may even state why that goal is important.

    Measurability applies to both the end result and the milestones along the way to attaining a goal. It answers the question of quantity – how much, how often, how many? The milestones are signs along the way that will tell you that you are on the right track to achieving your goal.

    You should ensure that the goals you set are achievable. You must believe that you can manage to do what you are setting out to do. If you set goals that are unbelievable even to yourself it is very unlikely you will achieve them.

    Your goals must be relevant to what you want to achieve in the short term and the long term.

    This sometimes overlaps with the goal being Specific, but it aims to ensure that you put a time-frame to your goals.

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  • Senior Year - THRIVE - Get Started!

Ready for a Challenge?

  • If you're already involved in clubs or activities, consider taking on a leadership role this year!

College Fair or Tours

  • Tri-University Events


    Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the University of Arizona are coming together to ensure you and your family are well informed about the opportunities and resources available to you, hosting joint virtual information sessions for prospective students and families to discuss the following:

    • How to navigate the college admission process.
    • Scholarships and financial aid.
    • Information about each university.
    • The honors experience at each university.



    Arizona College Consortium (AZ-CC) is a membership of over 30 post-secondary institutions.  The organization’s mission is to provide quality education pathways to meet the needs of future scholars. This college fair will allow students and families to:

    • Uncover new college options through a robust search tool
    • Experience virtual campus tours 
    • Watch videos and download materials helpful for in decision process
    • Schedule meetings and interviews with admissions representatives



     - Sign up now and start exploring!


    – Use these tips from NACAC to make the most out of the experience. 

    Why should I pre-register? Provide your information one time through a simple, instead of dozens of times on prospect cards at each college table.

Finish the Semester Strong & Study for Your Finals

  • Keep up your good study habits! If you are struggling at any time: 1st-Consult your teacher, 2nd-Seek tutoring assistance, and 3rd-Consult your Counselor.

    Take advantage of any teacher or school-wide study sessions. Do not wait till the very last week to get help in a subject you may be struggling with. If you feel like a class is particularly easy for you, help out a friend and be a tutor. Teaching peers can only help solidify learning the material for you, too.

Last Modified on April 9, 2024