Special Education Parent Council

  • We are parents of special needs children that attend 91茄子 schools.  We have volunteered to serve on this Council because we strongly believe we can make a difference in our special education community.  

    Through our efforts, we hope to enable you to become effective advocates for your children.

    Our focus is on:

    • Acting as liaisons between the district, the schools, and families regarding special education issues
    • Responding to parents' information needs
    • Providing training to parents
    • Maintaining the 91茄子 Special Education Resource Library
    • Encouraging the development of the 91茄子 special education community.

    In addition, some members of the Council have undergone training to become IEP Parent Partners.  This training goes in-depth into the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and the evaluation process. These 91茄子 parents want to ensure that all parents are fully-participating members of the IEP team.

Gifted Education Parent Council

  • The GEPC was formed in 2015 to mirror the GPS Special Education Parent Council.

    The council facilitates a collaborative effort toward eventual fulfillment of the GPS gifted vision statement to be a “premier provider of services to Pre-K through Grade 12 students identified as gifted or twice-exceptional, using research-based instruction to address the needs of the whole child.”

    Gifted Education Parent Council Purpose

    The purpose of the Gifted Education Parent Council is to act as a liaison from district to campus and from campus to district. 

    The expected outcomes are:

    • Provide positive support and resources for other parents with gifted, including twice exceptional (2e), students.
    • Develop collaborative partnerships with school staff and administrators at the district and campus level.

    Members of the Gifted Education Parent Council shall act as a liaison from the district to their campus by:

    • Sharing information about educational programs, procedures, and resources from the district with other parents of gifted, including 2e, students;
    • Utilizing various ways to communicate: campus newsletter, small group meetings, PTA/PTO meetings, individual parent contact, etc.;
    • Being a resource to campus staff and principal(s) for parents needing assistance with the gifted, including 2e, process;
    • Partnering with school staff in identifying and coordination of appropriate parent training; and
    • Modeling positive and collaborative relationships with campus staff and principal.

    Members of the Gifted Education Parent Council shall act as a liaison from the campus to the district by:

    • Sharing information reflecting campus gifted, including 2e, programs and services;
    • Providing input addressing the needs of gifted, including 2e, programs and services;
    • Collaborating and participating in the identification of parent and staff training needs; and
    • Collaborating with district gifted, including 2e, staff in ongoing review and development of district programs and services for gifted, including 2e, students.

    Members of the GEPC are encouraged to form a positive and collaborative relationship with their principal so that the genuine needs of gifted students, their families, and their teachers can be identified and addressed. The foundational principle of gifted education is to identify and support a student’s strengths, while also recognizing and supporting the student’s deficits. This principle isn’t just for gifted education, rather all students would benefit from having such a principle guide their educational growth.

    Mission Statement

    We are parents and educators supporting the GPS Gifted Education mission statement by addressing the needs of gifted students of all ages and their families. 

    We do this through:

    • Empowering guardians through education by providing opportunities to:    
      • Learn how a child’s giftedness impacts his or her development.
      • Learn how to address the social, emotional, academic, physical, and kinesthetic? needs of gifted and twice-exceptional students.
      • Learn how to advocate for their student(s) through respectful and collaborative bridge building. 
    • Helping gifted students connect to peers through activities and service to others.
    • Advocating for gifted students through:
      • Effective communication with families and the district.
      • Publicizing legislative actions that impact gifted students.

    ?Together we can ensure that every GPS gifted student has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive.

    GEPC Parent Resources

    Gifted Inventory for Parents/Teachers (pdf)

    Prepared by the GEPC:

    Contact GEPC at giftededucationparentcouncil@gmail.com.



Last Modified on January 26, 2024