Phone: 480-497-9343


Degrees and Certifications:

Colin Kelly, Principal

Welcome to the Ranch! As principal of this amazing school, my role comes down to three key elements. It is my responsibility to keep everyone in the building safe. The safety and security of everyone on campus is always at the forefront. From insisting that everyone on campus have an employee badge or visitor sticker to our monthly fire and lockdown drills, our commitment to safety is evident daily. It is my responsibility to ensure that our students learn as much as possible. We do this by hiring the best staff available and providing them with everything we can to help them teach. Every student learns differently and needs different levels of support. From the newest paraprofessional to our veteran teachers, the faculty and staff at Sonoma Ranch are committed to our mission: We Engage, We Educate, We Inspire. Our focus on students’ growth, both academically as well as socially/emotionally. Our teachers and staff work incredibly hard to meet the needs of our students every day. It is also my responsibility to make sure that school is fun. In elementary school, students learn how to be students, and that includes how to have fun while learning. Our school culture promotes a healthy balance of activities that allow students to build positive relationships and enjoy being a student. It is certainly fun to be a Stallion! Sonoma Ranch Elementary is an excellent school filled with amazing students, dedicated adults, and supportive families. At Sonoma Ranch, we certainly are Stallion Strong!

      Virtual Tour

      Elementary Start & End Times

      • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:10am–2:55pm

        Wednesday Early Release: 8:10am–1:55pm

        Half Days: 8:10am–11:55am

      Last Modified on January 3, 2024