


    Outdoor Club

     Outdoor Club

    91ÇÑ×Ó Classical Academy offers a wide range of clubs for students to join. Club membership gives students the opportunity to explore areas of interest, develop leadership skills and friendships. For a full listing of clubs with meeting times see below:

Ambassadors Club

  • The Ambassadors Club members serve as the welcoming student faces of GCA. We organize the new student orientation for our incoming students and put on other events, such as hosting a “Breakfast Club” for new students in December. GCA Ambassadors also lead tours of the school for incoming families looking into GCA. You will often times see the Ambassadors at other events helping to welcome families. Our goal is to make all students feel comfortable about being a part of the 91ÇÑ×Ó Classical Academy Family.

Latin Club

Model United Nations

  • Model United Nations is an authentic simulation of the UN General Assembly, UN Security Council, or another multilateral body, which introduces students to the world of diplomacy, negotiation, and decision making.

    At Model UN, students step into the shoes of ambassadors of countries that are members of the UN, from Argentina to Zimbabwe. The students, better known as “delegates”, debate current issues on the organization’s vast agenda. They prepare draft resolutions, plot strategy, negotiate with supporters and adversaries, resolve conflicts, and navigate the UN’s rules of procedure – all in the interest of resolving problems that affect the world.

    Before playing out their ambassadorial roles in Model UN, students research the particular global problem to be addressed. The problems are drawn from today’s headlines. Model UN delegates learn how the international community acts on its concerns about peace and security, human rights, the environment, food and hunger, economic development, and globalization.

Outdoor Club

  • The purpose of the GCA Outdoor Club is to enjoy and promote outdoor activities throughout the East Valley and beyond, in a spirit of friendship and camaraderie. It will also involve the study of terrain, outdoor etiquette, survival and expand the knowledge of outdoor awareness.

Student Senate

  • Student Senate is one of the largest clubs on campus and is focused on improving the environment for students and faculty.  Senate runs many school activities, including dances, pep assemblies, and spirit weeks.  Every Senate member is sorted into one of the six committees at the beginning of the school year based on their personalities and preferences.  Each committee has a student who is the “committee head.”  Leading the entire Senate are the junior and senior consuls.  Elections are held at the end of every school year for the holders of these two positions.  The senior counsel is a senior, kind of like president of Student Senate, and the junior consul is a junior student, who acts as the vice president of the club.  The elections every May also determine the upcoming junior high tribunes, who are seventh graders running for a position the next year.

    The committees are as follows:

    Dance Committee plans all school dances, excluding prom.  They set the dance theme, plan and make decorations, design tickets, and hire a DJ.  This committee is usually one of our busiest and the students have to dedicate time on the weekends to help set up for the dances.

    Spirit Committee attends home games to support GCA athletics teams.  They also plan Spirit Weeks to get the students excited about a certain event, typically a dance or pep assembly.  

    Promotions Committee is in charge of advertising student activities and events.  They make posters and announcements to inform the students about upcoming events, such as dances, spirit weeks, and seasonal events.

    Wellness Committee is devoted to improving the mental health of the GCA student body and staff.  In the past, this committee has organized suicide prevention activities and a kindness week.  They also reach out to injured students and staff and uplift their day with some candy and an encouraging note.

    Thank You Committee is responsible for thanking all parent and teacher volunteers as well as making little treats for the teachers and staff throughout the year to let the teachers know we appreciate them more than just during teacher appreciation week.

    Pep Assembly Committee plans the pep assemblies for the school during each athletic season.  The students in this committee are well known for being outgoing and spirited to entertain and engage the student body at pep assemblies.

Last Modified on August 31, 2023