• We are excited to welcome your kindergartner to Neely Traditional Academy! To learn more about our school please take a look around our website and if you would like, please schedule a tour.

Traditional Kindergarten

  • Our school offers the option for kindergartners to enroll in a Traditional program K-6. 

    In the Traditional classroom the desks all face the front of the room, and the curriculum is delivered primarily through whole group instruction led by qualified teachers.

    The ELA curriculum in Traditional is Spalding K-6. Spalding focuses on precise speech, legible handwriting, spelling, and fluency in reading. Teachers model, coach and provide support when needed. The curriculum is structured, sequential and cumulative.

    The Math curriculum is Saxon Math K-6. Saxon Math reinforces incremental learning. New concepts are introduced daily and previously learned concepts are reviewed. In this program, Math is taught one grade level above.

    Traditional homework will meet or exceed our usual GPS homework requirements, and there will be an additional reading time of 15-30 minutes related to an Accelerated Reading program.

Kindergarten Events

Kindergarten Events Happening Now & You're Invited!

Kindergarten Readiness Events for Families

    • Schedule a School Tour - Please take the opportunity to schedule a tour at any of our elementary schools to learn more about their Kindergarten offerings, meet the Principal and teachers, and tour the campus.
    • Kindergarten Information Nights - Visit school websites to learn about upcoming Kindergarten Information Nights and Events.