• All of our SCILLS programs allow for ample opportunities to participate meaningfully with nondisabled peers. These opportunities often include recess, lunch, specials, field trips, assemblies, and other subjects/times as determined appropriate by the IEP team.  

    Life/MD SCILLS

    The Life/MD SCILLS program serves students with multiple disabilities, including but  not limited to students with physical disabilities and cognitive impairments. Communication systems are developed and supported within a stimulating sensory environment to enhance learning through all senses and to increase independent skills. Many students have medical needs that are attended to as well as sensory and functional needs. Activities can address but aren’t limited to life skills, sensory integration, pre-academics, and fine/gross motor development. Students are included with their non-disabled peers to the greatest extent possible, always with support from special education staff to ensure safety and maximum benefit.

    Functional Academic SCILLS

    Functional Academic SCILLS emphasizes the expansion of an already established communication system through a curriculum that is designed to meet each child’s individual needs. Children in this setting participate in activities designed to develop pre-academic and early literacy skills, self-help skills, and socialization skills. 

    Academic SCILLS

    Academic SCILLS provides students with a hands-on, concrete approach to reading, math, written expression, and content areas. The academics are based on the Arizona Common Core Standards, but alternative curriculum and methods are used to focus on the most important concepts and skills. When appropriate, children are given opportunities to “pre-learn” lesson material from the general education classroom to increase their success levels in that setting. 

    Communication Delay (CD) SCILLS

    The Communication Delay (CD) SCILLS program is only offered at the elementary level. This class is designed for students with typical cognition and severe language delays. The purpose of this setting is to provide intensive remediation in the areas of language and academics so that the students can learn the skills needed to access the general education curriculum and environment. 

Last Modified on October 28, 2022