Information for Prospective NCAA Athletes

  • GPS Global Academy has been approved by the NCAA and certain courses have been granted "core course" status for the purpose of determining NCAA eligibility. Approved core courses are noted in our online course catalog.

    The GPS Global Academy NCAA code is: 851213

    The NCAA retains full decision-making authority about whether to accept credits from courses completed online. To reduce the chances that a course will be declined, Global Academy has instituted the following procedures: 

    1. Prospective NCAA athletes should NOT take a credit recovery course; these credits will not be counted by the NCAA.
    2. Courses approved by the NCAA still must meet the rigorous standards of the organization, including regular interaction between teacher and student. To that end, there are are specific activities within each course that require phone conferencing, video chat, etc. between a student and instructor.
    3. There will be NO course extensions granted beyond 18 weeks to prospective NCAA athletes, for any reason. 
    4. Global Academy teachers have been trained in the requirements of the NCAA and will maintain high standards and expectations for courses completed online.
    5. We will store all student coursework and data for a period of five years.

    For further information, please visit the .