• Global Academy's model is shifting for the 2024-25 school year and beyond

    We are excited to announce a change at Global Academy that will bring more opportunity to our students as they make progress toward graduation. Global Academy will be shifting from its own school entity into a program embedded within each of our GPS brick and mortar junior highs and high schools.  This transition will  allow  us to better support our students and partner campuses while maintaining the flexibility of online learning. Additionally, this will allow our schools to receive full funding for enrolled online students, ensuring continued access to anytime, anywhere learning.

What will stay the same?

    • Global Academy will continue to operate as a school for our full time students from registration to graduation-- we will still be your school family for guidance counseling, testing, and you’ll still be taught by our Global Academy teachers

    • Full time students will come to the Global Academy campus to see their counselor, check out Chromebooks, take finals, and participate in state testing.

    • Concurrent students will still work with their home school counselors to select online courses that are best suited for the student, and families will continue to follow our easy registration process while they take one or more classes in person at their home school.

    • Center for Success students will still work closely with their counselors to determine if a CFS class is best for their graduation plan, and then work on their online class from their home campus as part of their scheduled day. 

    • Online students will still do their work, check grades, and interact with their classes through course tiles in Buzz and will be able to work flexibly on school days, weekends and holidays any time between the first and last days of the regular school year.

    • Students will be required to work about 5 hours per week per class to stay on track and remain enrolled at Global Academy, clicking the attendance activity buttons throughout their courses to log their hours.

    • For this summer, full time students will be able to continue working throughout the summer so that they have the opportunity for a full 18 weeks for their course(s).

What will change?

    • All current full time Global Academy students will now be linked into one of our brick and mortar campuses and will be considered both a full member of Global Academy and of their home school.

    • For attendance, students will be required to log in to Buzz at least once on each day of the regular 180-day school calendar. This will be the biggest change for our students, but we know they can do it! Any student who has not logged in to Buzz by noon each school day will get a reminder call and text, but we will count students as present any time before 11:59 pm on each day. Don’t worry-- we will share specific directions when the new school year begins. 

    • Parents will report absences (just on regular school days) via Infinite Campus or by calling the home school attendance line.

    • Students will have access to dances, games, activities and all events on their home campus, using their student ID, which will now have the names and logos of both Global and their brick and mortar-linked school.

    • In Infinite Campus, students will be listed as a student of their home school, and their schedule and in-progress grades will appear here as well. 

    • You will be on the mailing list for announcements from both Global and your home school, ensuring that you have access to opportunities and events in both places, and that you get all necessary information guiding you toward graduation. 

    • Beginning next year, full time students may either choose to pause their classes during the summer break or pay for summer school courses to continue working or accelerate their progress.

What happens next?

    • In the next week or so, you will receive a personalized email confirming your home brick and mortar school that you will begin to be linked to. 

      • If you live in the GPS boundaries, this would be your neighborhood junior high or high school.

      • If you live outside of the GPS boundaries, we will follow the same guidelines as we do for students joining our district for AIA (athletics), and we will assign you to be part of the GPS junior high or high school that is geographically closest to your home.

    • If you wish to be part of a different school than the one which we designate, you may follow the process outlined in that email to apply for open enrollment at a different campus.  We would follow the regular district guidelines for that process.

    • Starting in July, you’ll see the Infinite Campus changes take place-- but we will help you through every stage of the process.